behind the scenes - easter picnic 2007 - food
We, the committee, would like to apologise for the recent shortage of bread in Sainsbury's - an unfortunate side-effect of our tiring efforts to create the perfect selection of sandwiches available for you at the Easter picnic.
It has not been easy.
Which type of bread? Thick, medium, thin, crustless, extra-thick crust, unleavened or wholemeal?

What fillings to use?

Special thanks to Su-Ann for turning up to help
It has not been easy.
Which type of bread? Thick, medium, thin, crustless, extra-thick crust, unleavened or wholemeal?
What fillings to use?

How many to make per person?
All we need to know now is how many of you will be there - so sign-up at!

More to come...

More to come...